Using the Batch File
Using the Batch File.

Users must be very careful when entering the case specifics in the MasterBatchFile. It can be opened using any word processor, but it must be saved in .txt (text only) format on the Windows desktop.

The first section of the batch file is given below. Leave a space after each colon (:) for each line. The time and date formats must be strictly followed (time in hundred hours, date in year/month/day).

Name: Jim Smith
Gender: M
Height (in.): 72
Weight (lbs.): 185
Number of beverage entries: 2
Date of food consumption (optional):
Time of food consumption (optional):
Date of first test (optional): 2022/08/30
Time of first test (optional): 21:00:00
Date of second test (required): 2022/08/30
Time of second test (required): 21:30:00

Line 2: The codes for gender are M and F. This is a required entry.

Lines 3 and 4: Height is not required if it is not known (but it is best to take an educated guess). Weight is required.

Line 5: The number of beverage entries corresponds to the number of types of beverages (beer, wine or spirits) consumed. They may be consumed at the same time. Think carefull how you need to set this up.

Lines 6 and 7: GetBAC adjusts the simulated BAC's for food consumption at any time during the simulation, but if no food is consumed, it can be omitted.

Lines 8 and 9: The time of the first test references a breathalyzer test, however it is just a marker that the user can specifiy to give a specific BAC reading at a desired time during the simulation. It is optional.

Lines 10 and 11: The time of the second test references a second breathalyzer test, however it need not be an actual test. This is a required entry as the simulation period ends 60 minutes after this time.

Start time of beverage entry: 18:00:00
Start date of beverage entry: 2022/08/30
End time of beverage entry: 19:00:00
End date of beverage entry: 2022/08/30
Type of beverage (see codes in readme file): Beer_Imp_Oz
Amount consumed: 24
Alcohol %: 5.0

Start time of beverage entry: 19:00:00
Start date of beverage entry: 2022/08/30
End time of beverage entry: 20:00:00
End date of beverage entry: 2022/08/30
Type of beverage (see codes in readme file): Beer_Imp_Oz
Amount consumed: 24
Alcohol %: 5.0

The number of beverage entries made here needs to be the same number as stated in line 5. If only one beverage entry is required, the second entry 7 lines can be deleted leaving one blank line. Additionaly beverage entries can be added by copying and pasting. The lines to input are self-explanatory and all are required. Beverage entries need not be entered in time sequence, but it is advisable to do so to keep the batch file easier to read.

The codes for the types of alcoholic beverages are:

Beer_Imp_Oz = bottled, canned or draft beer measured in imperial ounces.
Beer_US_Oz = bottled, canned or draft beer measured in US ounces.
Beer_Imp_L = bottled, canned or draft beer measured in liters (use a decimal value for milliliters).
Beer_US_L = bottled, canned or draft beer measured in liters (use a decimal value for milliliters).
Wine_Imp_Oz = wine measured in imperial ounces.
Wine_US_Oz = wine measured in US ounces.
Wine_Imp_L = wine measured in liters (use a decimal value for milliliters).
Wine_US_L = wine measured in liters (use a decimal value for milliliters).
Spirits_Imp_Oz = spirits measured in imperial ounces.
Spirits_US_Oz = spirits measured in US ounces.
Spirits_L = spirits measured in liters (use a decimal value for milliliters).

The amount consumed must conform to the units specified in the Type of beverage entry, otherwise the simulation results will be erroneous.

Minimum elimination rate (mg/dl): 10
Maximum elimination rate (mg/dl): 24
Km (mg/dl): 5
Elimination method (see codes in readme file): 2CM
Widmark R (male): 28
Widmark R (female): 20
Absorption rate factor: 100

All of these lines can be left at their default settings if desired. The codes for the Elimination method are:

2CM = 2-compartment elimination method
MM = Michaelis-Menton elimination method
LIN = Widmark linear elimination method

2CM and MM are non-linear elimination methods that offer a more accurate BAC simulation.

References to these elimination methods can be found in R.A. Rockerbie, D.W. Rockerbie. Computer Simulation Analysis of Blood Alcohol. Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine, 2(3), 1995: 137-141.