Get the Simulation Results
Getting Output

GetBAC Console for Windows produces BAC simulations from the batch file very fast. Two .txt files are produced that appear on the Windows desktop.

report01.txt = Simulation report.

list01.txt = Simulated BAC's for each minute of the simulation period.

These files are overwritten with each BAC simulation. The report file can opened with any word processor and edited as desired. See the reference above for explanations of some of the results in the report. The list01 file can be imported into a spreadsheet program, such as MSExcel, to produce a graph of the simulated BAC's. This can be useful as the report only lists BAC values for every 30 minutes.

How to produce an MSExcel chart from the GetBAC list01.txt file.

Video: .mp4 file

Get the simulation results

GetBAC creates two new .txt files on the Windows desktop to receive the simulation results.


If these files already exist on the Windows desktop, they will be overwritten with the latest simulation results.

The file report01.txt contains the GetBAC simulation report that includes the case specifics the user entered in the batch file as well as the BAC simulation output. BAC values are reported every 30 minutes over the simulation period. Other computed measures include:

Dil. Vol. = Dilutional volume. This is an estimated of the amount of water in the body in liters.

AUC = Area under the curve. This is an estimate of the area under the maximum and minimum BAC curves.

BAE = Blood alcohol equivalent. This is an estimate of the total amount of alcohol to absorb measured in mg/dl in a given type and amount of beverage.

The report01.txt file can be opened in any word processor and edited for formatting requirements.

The file list01.txt contains 4 columns of numbers. These are:

column 1: The time in hundred hours.
column 2: The minimum BAC.
column 3: The midpoint BAC.
column 4: The maximum BAC.

The file is in a comma-delimited format and can be imported into MSExcel or other spreadsheet program. See the video below that demonstrates how to open the file and produce a quality MSExcel chart.
